martes, 29 de octubre de 2013



What is Rope Skipping?
It is a game played by children and young adults, where one or more participants jump over a rope. This rope is swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads. There are also people who jump two ropes turning at the same time: this is called “Double Dutch”, and it is much more difficult.

 In our classes we jump in three different ways:

Individually: One person swings and jumps its own rope
In pairs: One person swings the rope and a partner enters the rope and jumps with him/her.
In a long Rope: Two people swing a long rope and the rest of the class enters the large rope individually or in groups.

Benefits of rope jumping:

Jumping rope helps strengthen your legs and also your arms and shoulders. This combination of an aerobic workout and coordination has made rope jumping a popular form of exercise for athletes, especially boxers, wrestlers and basketball players.

Skipping is good for you, there are a number of health benefits including:

    * Improved cardio vascular fitness
    * Increased muscular strength
    * Better endurance
    * Improved body conditioning
    * Greater Flexibility
    * Improved coordination
    * Stronger bones

Skipping can also improve your skill:

    * Better timing and rhythm
    * Improved balance
    * Improved agility


NAME AND SURNAME……………………………………… …..GROUP………..


1º E.S.O

1.   10 jumps with rebound in the same place.                                                           0,5 points.
2.   10 jumps without rebound in the same place.                                                   0,75 points.
3.    5 jumps forward with feet together                                                                        1 point.
4.    5 jumps in two times in the same place, 5 in one time and 5 in two                     1 point.
5.   2 double jumps                                                                                                         3 points
6.   4 crossing jumps                                                                                            2  points
7. 1 minute running and jumping                                                                                  2 points
8. 10 jumps with rope backwards                                                                                   1 point
9. Do 10 jumps swing one rope in pairs in the way you want.                                  1,5 points

                                                                     FREESTYLE EXAM

1.The skier: a side-to-side jump keeping the feet together; you jump to the right with one, and to the left the following one.  10 jumps 2 POINTS
2.The bell: a front-and-back jump keeping the feet together.  10 jumps 2 POINTS
3.The scissors: a jump putting one foot forward and the other back, then switching back-and-forth.10 jumps  2 POINTS
4.The jumping jack :a jump putting the feet apart and then together.10 jumps    2 POINTS
5. If you can do the last 4 exercises without stopping (5 jumps in every exercise).  2 POINTS MORE

                                               IN A LONG ROPE (10 jumps in each exercise)

1.Basic jump: Entering the rope when it hits the floor and starts going away from you. You must jump in the center of the rope and exit at the other end.  2POINTS
2.Turning inside: Turn around as you jump. It´s very easy!  2POINTS

3.How many? How many students can jump at the same time in one rope? All the group must be inside the rope. 2 POINTS
4. Hold your partner`s hands and jump inside the rope.2 POINTS

5.Two crossed ropes jump: Here you jump not one but two ropes. They form a cross and the trick is only to look to one of the ropes. You must enter and exit as if you were jumping a single rope. Jumping in the middle of the 
ropes is fundamental not to be hit by one of the rope. 2 POINTS.


lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013


1º ESO: The Warm Up
Principio del formulario
Final del formulario
The warm up is basic in Physical Education. We do it everyday, so it is the first thing you must learn.


A warm up is a series of exercises you do
before physical activity.

For example, before playing an intense sport you can run slowly to warm your muscles and your heart.
Warm ups must prepare the muscles for the activity.
There are very different warm ups, (high intensity, low intensity, for basketball, for tennis...)
So, the warm-up volleyball players do is different from the one footballers do.
Warm ups are specific to the sport or activity you practice.

Benefits of the warm up:

If you do a good warm up, you can get:

1) Protection against injuries
2) Better performance

And also:                    
-You increase your body temperature.
-Your joints move more efficiently
-Oxygen in blood travels faster.  
-Muscles move faster and with more strength
-Your muscles extend more and are more elastic                
-You react faster


1. A small run.
This is to warm up your heart and lungs, and also the muscles. At the end of this part you can do different types of running
2. Movements of your joints.
This is the first part, and it must have a low intensity. We move our arms in circles forwards and backwards, we draw circles with our hips...

3. Stretching of the main muscles.
This makes the muscles more flexible, prevents injuries and also helps the muscles to develop more power.

B. Exercises similar to the sport you are going to play and or a gameà ESPECIFIC WARMING UP
In this part, you warm up the muscles you use in the sport or activity.
This part must be progressive in intensity. It must start slow and increase the intensity.
It must end at a intensity similar to the sport you are going to practise.
To run.- correr
Sideways.- lateral/de lado
Joints.- articulación
To jog.- jogging
Backwards.- hacia atrás
Head.- cabeza
To move.- moverse
Forwards.- hacia adelante
Neck.- cuello
To stretch.- estirarse
Up.- arriba
Shoulder.- hombre
To put.- poner
Down.- abajo
Spine.- columna
To turn around.- volverse, dares la vuelta
Right.- derecha
Back.- espalda
To swing.- balancear
Left.- Izquierda
Hip.- cadera
To open.- abrir
in circles.- en círculo
Elbow.- codo
To Spread.- extender/separar
Side to side.- lado a lado
Wrist.- muñeca
To touch.- tocar
Downward.- hacia abajo
Bottom/ Butt.- trasero/culo
To grab.- agarrar/coger

Chest.- Pecho
To rotate.- girar/rotar

Ankle.- tobillo
To point.- señalar

Knee.- rodilla
To Place.- poner/colocar

Toe .- dedo pie

·   Levantar rodillas-  high knees
·   Carrera lateral- running sideways
·   Carrera hacia atras - backwards
·   Talones a los glúteos.- Heel to butt
·   Giros de tobillo - ankle rolls
·   Giros de rodillas- knees rolls
·   Hacia una lado. -To one side
·   Hacia el otro lado - to the other side
·   Hacia adelante. - Forwards
·   Hacia atrás -Backwards
·   Cambio- change


1. They are very important to describe all the exercises we do in class:

To stand: estar de pie  (to stand up:levantarse)
To sit: sentarse
To lie: echarse

To walk: caminar
To sprint: correr rápido
To slow down: ir más despacio
To hurry up: darse prisa

To chase: perseguir
To follow: seguir
To tilt: inclinar
To turn: girar
To bend: doblar  o flexionar

To pass: pasar
To receive: recibir
To throw: lanzar
To carry  (or to transport): transportar
To steal: robar (stealing tails game)

To push: empujar
To pull: tirar (de una cosa)

To form a line: formar una fila o línea
To form a semi-circle: un semicírculo
To form pairs: hacer parejas
To form groups of three/four... : hacer grupos de tres o cuatro

Prepositions are also very important to describe movements. Here  you have some examples:

TO TURN:                       to the right to the left