lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013


4º ESO: Training Methods
Principio del formulario
Final del formulario
There is a wide range of different training methods. All are effective to some extent, and all place an emphasis on one or more of the fitness components that we have studied  this  courses.
1. Continuous training:
It involves working for a prolonged period of time without stopping.
At the beginning of the program, the person may work for 20 minutes, but after a number of sessions, the time spent would increase, although the workload would probably remain the same.
There are two types:
-At a steady intensity (you don´t vary the pace). It is good for aerobic fitness and very easy to do.
-At different intensities (you combine different speeds without stopping: slow-fast-medium...). This is often called “fartlek” or "speed play". The advantages of fartleck are that it can be easily adapted to the individual and it mimics de pater of games with a regular change of pace (football, basketball...)
In this type of training, you can increase the stress level if you:
      -increase the duration
      -increase the speed
      -decrease the rest periods                                        
 2. Interval training:  
This involves alternating periods of high intensity work with rest periods. During the rest periods the person may be inactive (their body stops moving) or they may work at a low intensity.
Some examples of interval training are:
     -Swimming 8 x 25m sprints with a 20 seconds rest between each
     -Runnning 10 x 100 m sprints with a 300m jog between each.
In this type of training, you can increase the stress level if you:
      - increase the speed of the sprint
      - increase the number of sprints
      - increase the distance
      - decrease the rest periods                              
      3. Circuit training:
This type of work includes a number of physical exercices performed one after the other in the form of a circle or circuit.
Circuits can be designed to buid up strength, increase endurance or speed. You can do all types of exercises: with the only load of your body (push-ups), with loads (dumbells, medicinal balls...), with benches, ropes, balls and other materials...
You must carefully select the exercices that best suit your objective.
The advantages of circuit training are that:
     -The variety of exercises prevents boredom
     -A lot of people can work in a small place at the same time
     -Any kind of exercise can be included.

In this type of training, you can increase the stress level if you:                                                                                 
      -increase the number of exercises
      -increase the number of laps to the circuit
      -increase the speed
      -decrease the rest periods                                                         
4. Weight training:

Weight training can be very similar to circuit training, but here the person completes a set of exercises in a certain order using weights
Each station concentrates on a different part of the body. As training progresses, the weights can be made heavier and rest periods can be reduced.
  As a general rule, it is agreed that to increase maximum strength, a person should lift heavy weights with few repetitions and a long rest between exercises.
To increase stamina, a light weight should be lifted with a large number of repetitions and a small rest between exercises.                            

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